

Hi, I'm Alex! I've been obsessed with Roblox ever since I first started playing at the age of 15. Now at 25, Roblox is still my number one hobby and passion. When I'm not working my day job, you can find me gaming for hours on end, playing and creating all kinds of imaginative worlds. I love participating in building challenges and mini-games with friends. My favorite thing is designing intricate obstacle courses and racing tracks. I run a Roblox gaming website where I post articles, guides, and tips about my gameplay and creations. I provide tricks and advice for fellow adult gamers and try to keep things entertaining with my fun writing style.

ROBLOX 越獄的監獄大更新!帶我的新手朋友快速成為高手!他當警察電到我一下就贏1000 robux!(翻滾太好用了)【Jailbreak – 有感筆電】

ROBLOX 越獄的監獄大更新!帶我的新手朋友快速成為高手!他當警察電到我一下就贏1000 robux!(翻滾太好用了)【Jailbreak – 有感筆電】

🔥有感筆電的新書《我推薦100款Roblox遊戲》首刷限定版(收藏必備):►訂閱有感筆電 (我會非常感謝你😆):▶去追蹤我的IG吧: ▶ROBLOX《越獄 Jailbreak》遊戲連結: ▶更多超讚的影片:ROBLOX 電車難題!你願意殺5個陌生人成為「億萬富翁」嗎?!考驗你各種狀況的道德觀!【The Trolley Game – 有感筆電】👉 ROBLOX 短恐怖故事!我忍不住偷窺一下超性感的女鄰居!結果不小心看見一場邪教儀式!【Short Creepy stories – 有感筆電】👉 ROBLOX 彩虹朋友第二章!帶我的新手朋友「零死亡」活過全新的怪物!不救老人會看他被炸死嗎?!【Rainbow Friends – 有感筆電】👉 ROBLOX 傻傻的西蒙說!這位「頭上有大便的人」說什麼我就要去做!不敢去做就刪我robux!【Silly Simon Says – 有感筆電】👉 ROBLOX大挑戰!假扮成一個超可愛的動漫女生!我地獄跑酷塔開兔子跳也可以過關?! 我可以面無表情去打敗Doors的怪物嗎?!【有感筆電】👉 ROBLOX 試著去死!我有足夠的勇氣+智慧成功死亡100次嗎?! 不夠聰明就死不了!【Try To Die 全破所有關卡 – 有感筆電】👉 ROBLOX 彩虹朋友2!但黃色是我的超強間諜!我可以直接飛走逃離紫色!只要不動青色怪物就不會殺我嗎?(全部怪物的躲避方式+秘密)【Rainbow…