DESTRUCTIVE Build Trick!! In Build A Boat For Treasure ROBLOX

A Build Trick Video! I’ll show you how to make this DESTRUCTIVE Build Trick! The Build Trick is how to make a FUTURISTIC FIGHTER JET In Build A Boat! It can fly vertically and it can even HOVER MID AIR! I also attached my Auto Cannons to shoot and destroy builds! It can also be used to grind gold if you want! I hope you guys enjoy this Build Trick 😀


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Dio –

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More Build Tricks in the future 😀
#buildaboat #babft #roblox

00:00 – Build Trick Showcase
04:09 – Fighter Jet Hovering and Guns Build Trick Tutorial
08:49 – Fighter Jet Hovering and Guns Build Trick Complete
09:12 – My Next Epic Videos 😀

Hello! My name is LavaFlows or Lava and I do my best to give you quality content in Build A Boat in ROBLOX. I put so much effort and time into making these videos, leaving a like and a subscribe will help me a lot! And make sure you hit the bell button down below so you won’t miss any of my next superb videos in the near future!
What you should expect in my channel – Helpful game mechanics tutorials
– Epic build tutorials
– Build showcases
– Gold grinders
– PvP battles
– Build Tips and Tricks
– Video upload every week!!

Tags: build a boat,build a boat for treasure,roblox build a boat,roblox build a boat for treasure,build a boat tips and tricks,build tricks in build a boat for treasure,build a boat epic build tricks,build a boat build tricks,build trick,build tricks build a boat,build a boat for treasure roblox,babft,build a boat tutorial,build a boat tricks,build trick build a boat,build a boat build tutorial,tips and tricks build a boat for treasure,build a boat build ideas


Hi, I'm Alex! I've been obsessed with Roblox ever since I first started playing at the age of 15. Now at 25, Roblox is still my number one hobby and passion.

When I'm not working my day job, you can find me gaming for hours on end, playing and creating all kinds of imaginative worlds. I love participating in building challenges and mini-games with friends. My favorite thing is designing intricate obstacle courses and racing tracks.

I run a Roblox gaming website where I post articles, guides, and tips about my gameplay and creations. I provide tricks and advice for fellow adult gamers and try to keep things entertaining with my fun writing style.

Articles: 2951


    Here is how I made the WING FLAP MECHANIC –
    Jet Design Measurements –
    I forgot to mention – THIS IS FASTER THAN PURPLE JET BTW
    Q: Can you make a tutorial on the jet design?
    A: Due to popular demand, I'll also show how I made the jet design in my next video if we hit 10k Likes!

    Q: How do I stabilize it once I fly?
    A: If you fly forwards and you want to stop the jet you need to counter that forward momentum by going backwards (press q)
    The same thing with going up, if you fly up and released the "r" key, the jet will slightly move upwards – you need to counter the upwards momentum by pressing "t"

    Q: Is it mobile-friendly?
    A: You can use switches to turn on and off the servos but you need an extra set of servos for each magnet since 1 button can only make a servo go up and back to its original place. You will need the extra servo to make going down possibleLikes and I'll make a tutorial on the Wing Flap Mechanic!

  2. The back front servos kept going down and i wasn't in the pilot seat can anyone explain why and how to fix it?

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