Round GUI | Roblox Studio Tutorial

Comment what you want me to make a tutorial on, it helps alot.


Hi, I'm Alex! I've been obsessed with Roblox ever since I first started playing at the age of 15. Now at 25, Roblox is still my number one hobby and passion.

When I'm not working my day job, you can find me gaming for hours on end, playing and creating all kinds of imaginative worlds. I love participating in building challenges and mini-games with friends. My favorite thing is designing intricate obstacle courses and racing tracks.

I run a Roblox gaming website where I post articles, guides, and tips about my gameplay and creations. I provide tricks and advice for fellow adult gamers and try to keep things entertaining with my fun writing style.

Articles: 2951


  1. The first parameter is not to make circles exactly, you can do it in the second if you put 100 it is for the frame to adjust to the screen size of the device used

  2. How do i add a image in the ui without the “add image button” because I’m desperate right now and the add image button isn’t showing up. The ui is just a white box

  3. local Button = game.Workspace.YourPartName —
    Change YourPartName to your part which players have to click.
    local Click = Button.ClickDetector
    local Gui = script.Parent.Frame — Change this to
    the name of your GUl.
    Gui.Visible = not Gui.Visible

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